BDM Notes: Colby Impact of Financial Literacy Training on Implicit Attitudes

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FL training --> no long term impact of behavior
Fernandes, Lynch, Netemeyer 2013
Braunstein & Welch (2002)
JIT training can work sometimes
Why does FLT work?
Implicit v. explicit attitudes

FLT seems to be moving explicit, rather than implicit attitudes

Is intervention typically a pre-post measure? variety of methods, but yes, some are

they tend to be close in time --> not much evidence of long-term

to what extent are these aimed toward beliefs versus attitudes? Visa, Mastercard give free FLT tools
they tend to try to go both ways, put the info into the context of "it's important for your/kids future" and projecting future savings

Spending/Saving IAT

Saving Spending
Save Spend
Thrift Buy
Frugal Purchase
Budget Splurge
Economize Shop

Good Bad
Marvelous Horrible
Superb Agony
Pleasure Painful
Joyful Terrible
Wonderful Awful

MT: I have a lot of stuff on this bc I worked for American Funds in Retirement Planning Communications

Other implicit measures besides IAT?
Affective Misapp Procedure--Tannenbaum
better predictor of behavior
don't let these pictures affect your judgment -- visual images
seems to work really weel
Go/No-go task based on error rates
Word-stem completion of others

Practice each set of words separately
Practice one matched set

Study 1: IAs and Fin Sgtress
implicit att are predictive of financial stress answers
broken down by ppl with preference for saving or spending
MT: I wonder if I could come up with a way to make this apply to time orientation
No difference bt the two groups on education

InCharge Financial Distress/F WB Scale
Impulsive Buying Scale
Like/Dislike Savings Scale (they created this(
No diff on SpendThrift/Tightwad scale< --this was unexpected; not sure why***
No significant diffs in income or education

it's an explicit measure of attitudes

Teper: question is: is that the same construct, or are they orthogonal to each other?
when i don't feel good abt parting with my money, it's not nec bc I want to save it
prefs to spend and prefs to save are not mutually exclusive (Craig)
could imagine a much more nuanced set of preferences

Ashley: are there diffs in time scale? future versus past behavior?
would be interesting to look at this by question
seems like windfall versus what you're doing with your money

ST/Tightwad scale is also very short--could look at the different items in the scale**

as we think abt positiong the work, the whole crux of the FL doesn't work argument is a timing issue
general dispoositional state vs. a choice in the moment
we need to get clear in our own minds what we want to say about that

Study 2: FTL and attitudes
1. S/S IAT
2. Explicit questions
3. Intervention
traditional FLT
experiential FLT
4. Explicit questions repeated
5. S/S IAT repeated

MT: the mental imaging stuff from Borgman would be helpful here

Explicit Attitudes
went in the direction one would think
Craig: another perspective--> it just takes 160 words to intro a demand effect

contrast bt this and the implicit attitudes
positive: prefer savings
neg: prefer spending

both relative to 0 and to prior
these are all relative d scores
stark contrast to what the explicit attitudes did
might explain why FLT doesn't work
Craig: discriminant validity of the implicit measure; only to the extent we can link to behavior

Study 3: FLT and distressed consumers
added a control condition
repeated IAT design
money prime (history of money)
pro-specding message

this was non-experiential

**you want to make a graph for the experiential? not sure which one you were referring to

MT: I should show you my list of the only 6 stories for financial planning (bake cake recipe)

just having ppl think about money was a contributor to this effect; but the IAT was money-oriented anyway, so surprised about reading about cash had an effect

Sue: was the history of cash about logistics of printng and distributing, or about why we need cash?
it was historical and short
all ended on a ridiculous positive exclamation point
tried to match tone

Ashley: Any affect measures? she thinks feeling comforted by the security implied in a historical reading
Sue: by thinking about the role of money as a form of barter, could put me into a spending mindset
if the control is abt birthdays, there may be a positive consumption to make you feel better, so ppl might have been more inclined to spend

might be that it made it sounds abundamt
printing money might give a sense of abundance; (Ashley) also some institutional security as well (we'll just print more bills)

Ashley: communal argument to be made
MT: it's also a way of making me and my expenditures feel much less significant

Ashley: household size--dependents? should look at this

FLT intervention--was about not spending on your credit cards
Craig asked
it was a short-term saving message

actively telling people to spend money and telling them not to put it on their CC had the same effect

we'd like to prime people with word stems
would expect control condition not to be different
even called the spending money study

she doesn't think that

Caruso swimming money as a prime-->screensaver
couldn't replicate it

fix spelling of literacy on Study 3 graph slide

this effect seems to be larger for financially distressed consumers
diff bt the control and the FLT condition
**she will add a picture of this, but it was marginal and the ends are pretty small

affecting individuals' marginal propensity to consume--could be a supply-side
changing attitudes after hearing
Other Guy: we don't know anythign about their consumption, but we know abt their incomes and education
unless individuals differ; might explain the unexplained issue from earlier

looked at whether tktk influenced willingness to pay

Study 4: FLT & willingness to pay
no IAT
assigned to control or fin lit reading
WTP on 8 measures

wanted to see if intervention moves the WTP
control condition here is different
Craig: nto understanding the ego-depletion theory; depletes ability to self-regulate
how would that imfluence subsequent implicit attitudes

persist on an upsetting task-->then the idea would be that it's ego-depleting
why would that affect implicit attitudes

Ashley: cognitive resources to the extent you're monitoring
Teper: attitudes aren't active
Helen: buying for self-soothing
stressed or ego-depleted, might purchase for self-soothing

could you distinguish
Jen Lerner-->distressed and sad (they couldn't remember the directionality)

active control and exerting energy to maintain, vs. things that are native beliefs
Craig: spending the more natural state of affairs; saving is more cognitive (Teper)
Craig: it's a symbolic act
Teper: effortful bc it requires you to process time
Craig: doesn't it almost get internalized after a while? the act of saving feels good due to years of doing it or social value or
thinking about the future, compound interest, etc. is different than not spending more than i have to

Teper missing piece of theory here around activity-->must be effortful in some way; there may be a bifurcation
try a 2x2
if there's no drain-down mechanism, you wouldn't worry abt ego depletion
Craig: if i'm implicit spender and depleted, I should spend more and vice versa

MT: ask me abt the tendency of prostitutes to spend (yes, there's a story here)

MT: look at certain types of hoarding

Teper: implicit modulation, or just the stuff on top

Craig: if implicit attitudes are malleable,

Sarah: maybe should cal it implicit associations rather than attitudes; lay interpretation of attitudes is that it is set

Implicit Association Test

Carsten: tap into this and see whether it has an effect; anagram test no effect
one reason might be that a lot of ppl got it right immediately (maybe they googled them)
MT: would be interesting if they didn't actually spell anything
Ashley: Qualtrics only allows seconds and not milliseconds?
hard to run reaction-time studies
not nec for persistence -- can put it in a diff program that prohibits Google searching
also didn't look at number of trials to solve
MT: what if the anagrams don't spell anything?

everyday goods with some sort of immediate gratification
that's why they changed to changing a tire instead of baking a cake

elicited 2 measures: intent to buy-->not much .03 on the scale
a little better for WTP avg over- underspending relative to the mean
shift is more substantial but not significant
200 participants, and subtle manipulation
John: diff bt control and financial in abs value look symmetric from zero line
symmetry is by definition bc calculated relative to the mean across all participants
Ashley: sense of extent to which they already purchase or intend to purchase these products; Carsten did this and it looks the same

Sarah: have you looked at this with distress? should only be depleting to those who are in distress??
Not yet, but they will***

Craig: on epossibility is that you get stronger effects of the message among consumers in a depleted state if you believe that story that we have less tendency to override with system 2, cognitive load would accentuate results**
could also play the game iwih the explicit message, too. suppress the explicit attitude in some way if you want to get the priming effect. what if both drive the attitude and they're in conflict with each other
suppress the explicit to have it be visible

Teper: one of the biggest challenges of the work-->losing sight of the overarching goal; what hypothesis is it a slam dunk to prove?

distinguishing conditions/environments where depletion will prevail from those where it won't
cognitive load is a manipulation that bears out the thesis

Sue: is there value in a simple methodological paper showing its relationship to real behaviors; discriminant validity of this measure
***she'd be first in line if they license it

future directions
field study with FLT program
other education domains (healthy eating, environmentalism)
pulling credit reports

Craig doesn't think that manipulation is depleting
identifying depletion as a moderator isn't a bad idea