Think about where you can present (colloquia, etc.)
Have to write an abstract—you can use your problem statement and justification
Posters are an interesting way to go when you don’t have everything done
In each category can trace the chronology starting with the seminal/classic pieces that everyone knows, and then summarize extension/progress chronologically
Have to define the concepts
Schedule – want to map out how long for the literature review (need to take IS598 so I can do all this reading!)
What does it cost to do the literature review
Bibliographic style has to be part of your consideration because you will publish articles in journals before you finish
Using management software
Explicitly statement which style you are using – envision publishing in TKTK or envision presenting at TKTK so will need a particular style
Envision turning it into a book, use that publisher’s style
Ask advisor which style
Proposal has to have enough detail so that you could hand it to someone and they could carry it out
Domain in terms of the field of information studies
How do you summarize the categories
Patrick Kelty IS class organized around affect
Have to make it narrow enough to make it doable
Donald Case’s book
Hink of whether case were reading it an he doesn’t get cited
Look at who the major players are who’s likely to read it, who’s likely to cite it
Who are you citing?
Specific application, domain – need to narrow this
Does a good job of telling you how she’s going to dowhat she’s doing
Very specific, she’s already thinking about how she’s going to do this
However, you can be broader
Will likely start seeing methodological works in the lit review
May be looking at other fields because they have advanced that method well
If the questions don’t follow from the previous sections, causes problems
Can’t do everything – you will see a lot of related questions in the literature
RP research problem
TS theoretical structure
OB objectives
RQ research question
T thesis/hypothesis
M methodology
Case study but there are objections—generalizability unless you do a really good job of how you selected that case
Reliability and validity
She’s more interested in describing
Ethnographic/qualitative work is usually used when there’s no theory established
Describe it in some kind of rich detail and need some method of how you’re going to do that
Which method would get you the most bang for your buck
What would most rapidly open the topic
Journals ask for keywords: JOST journal online tracking system. You will get reviewers based on your key words
Is the list of readers available? Is you see a call for readers, volunteer
Send resume now
If a refereed journal, the editor
Editorial board members have to read as well as bring articles from others or self
Look at the masthead
You also give them a list because your article has references
The editor chooses from among them
Then if they don’t have someone, they look at the database to find someone
So there are 3 sources of referees right away: masthead, volunteer readers for the journal, database
They’re going to look at the methods
What did you do to mitigate disadvantages of the selected method?
Theoretically, that’s how stuff gets into print
Beginning to suggest a structure by stating lit review themes
Sample review
(take furner’s bibliometrics class?) talks about citation indexes – Seth
the sample needs to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the piece
refer to: 9 points on how to read close analysis of the literature
what was the problem, T, framework, OB, RQ, M
need more detail – more analytical
use the structure we’re using to evaluate each piece
[then I’m assuming we can group by gaps/weaknesses and address them with my own thoughts]
need to persuade: 1. I know the literature, 2. Make a case
why do you get awarded a phd? because you have become an independent scholar. You’ve thought about potentially anything that can come up
advance to candidacy, they leave you alone for a couple months
[he will teach us a basic hierarchy of objectives—most rsch is descriptive—the lowest level]
Oxford strategy – they just don’t respond if it doesn’t merit their time
When you have sthg and you get a response, that’s good
Or the methodology is flawed
(inadequate sample)
quantitative – is more straightforward; you know you need
Bates—the perfect 30-item search – how do you defend against not be generalizable
“just an exploratory study” pls don’t hold e to this standard
Kathy is multimethod
How artists using archive
What archivists are doing
Then looking at records – there are all sorts of interesting ways – can make a quant person happy
Who do put on your committee? That will be the standard to which you work
Pick people who will be tough but also have authority
They will write letters for you, etc.
Intellectual tradition from which they come
Should Donald Case be on my committee?
Theoretical bridge
Three functions: selecting, operationalizing ,validating
List of key words – concepts
There are other definitions for your concepts, so you need to TK
Problems and frameworks
A framework or structure is a clarifying and exclusionary step in the research process
MT: I want to create a model/framework that can be applied across disciplines—ask Richardson how I can do this
Formalized structive “point of view is worth 80 IQ points” Alan Kay
It can be logical or theoretical
The theory that connects these two is really important
Define the concepts – define all the nouns/phrases
Can do it at the textual level or in the footnote
Operational definitions
Concepts (undefined) versus variables (defined)
Variables are dependent (outcome) vs. independent variables (manipulated)
Factors (manifest vs. latent)
Theory (set of relationships)
Quants will definitely use these terms, but quals will have objections to the terms
Correlations have dependent variables
Are income and education related? These are concepts. Need to define earned, invested, TKTK operationally define; high school diploma, BA, PhD?
Intervening variables
How would you measure happiness?
Happiness index
Dimishing returns $75,000 is as happy as people get
Happy is a concept until it is defined
Intervening variables
Factors go into predicting other factors?
Legislation, policy, social norms
Something in between what we know and what we don’t know
Theory – don’t get bent out of shape a model that explains
Epistemological orientation: qual or quant?
The cause must precede the effect
Modes of causality
Reductionist vs. integrative
Variables that come first in a temporal sense in hypotheses are variable? Check slide
Factor = variable
See the latent things that are varied and hidden
Underlying disciplines
Looking at latent and manifest things
Bio is to the practice of medicine as _____ is to the practice of librarianship
Depends on the problem
Blank is history, sociology, psychology, social epistemology, infor science, linguistics, what else?
What is theory – the bridge from where we are to where we want to go
Set of relationships among several variables; objective can be to develop a theory (exploratory)
Deductively connected set of laws, in the logical form of an explanation and with all statements as generalizations
Quals: logical framework to come up with a theory
Quants: posit a theory
Theory as tentative logical explanation Herb Goldhor
A technique for establishing relationships (not a quant or a qual)
What’s a model? model is a theory
Models can be simple (bivariate) or complex (multivariate)
Model-builder model – I could do this for curiosity!
“Family Tree of Model Builders”
box helps determine the limits of your study
lit review helps you find all the terms for your concepts (jargon)
connecting work with a tradition, a line of inquiry
define the key words for your literature review. “here’s how other researchers have defined these concepts”
then you may have to define it yourself
you must – you have to operationalize that
this is what we know, here is how we know it
Unknown (interrogative)
Could I be developing a model for testing other variables and their impacts on dec opt?
Can do the defs in a footnote if it interrupts the flow of the proposal
By the time you finish this section, everything in the problem statement is defined
MT: is there a theoretical conflict between the different fields and how they think about curiosity, farsighted thinking and information quality on decision optimization? How would I determine this and identify it?
Trying to persuade the reader that it is doable, not vague, abstract concepts
Take your stance—declare how you’re going to do it
If you want to compare your findings to theirs, then you have to use the same definitions or have a way to relate them
Accuracy – typical questions weren’t typical
Underline the nouns in the problem statement and then pull the definitions from the lit review
ALA Glossary is helpful to define your jargon
Find the dictionary for the field in which the term is used
What is the advantage or disadvantage of this structure? Why do you go with what you’ve selected
Advantages/disadvantages (saxon and TKTK proposals Richardson will provide)
How to begin the framing
Note key terms
Define jargon
Look for logical classification schemes or taxonomies
Look for theories in the literature
Draw the 3 dimensions of the study
Common criticism is that there are not 3 dimensions “the study is flat”
More than 3 dimensions? Is it possible?
He’s looking for three
Questions abt the frame:
At least 3 dimensions?
All structural elements operationally defined and expounded?
Is the structure validated in terms of its advantages of disadvantages? Scope
“limitations of studies” Richardson doesn’t like because defining theoretical framework, etc., don’t need to state limitations. Must be substantiated, of course.
Tell why: more efficient, safer, because this is how the lit talks abt it and want to compare and contrast
Even though the field looks at it one way, but more interesting looking at it this way instead because of certain advantages
Affective? how to do that methodologically??
Dictionary of Theories (Bothamley)
World of Ideas (Rohmann)
This section will be longer
For my definitions: Broader term, narrower term, related term
By next time, we will see the framework (lit rev is an ongoing process)
Time is best spent on lit rev because will feed you citations on definitions and theories
Send him a section this week so we can see how he scores it so you can see what needs to be strengthened, etc.
Final grade comes from what you turn in at the end
He will read as many iterations as we give him
Will feel really concrete when this section is done
Then all other sections will be easy
RQ comes out of your unknown
Say the same thing in diff ways and persuading the committee that they can find what they’re looking for
This will cover it
You will be able to defend and pass the first time