Geert Lovink Master Class 041014

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Lunenfeld intro

Outlook for media theory

Mike D'Errico-->music and digital humanities; interface design in digital audio production & ethnography of LA hip hop;; Steve Mamber's ClipNotes software; favorite website:

Megan Driscoll-->contemporary art and art history; photography 80s-90s; African-American art; digital humanities; exploring artists' use of the billboard; interest in identity politics of 80s/90s; museum digitization projects (Hammer)-->how to extend beyond exhibition

Roderic Crooks-->; mobile computing (Grindr) in the context of the public health--giving access into space one is already in; spatial practices that are preexisting; ipads in a public school for dissertation, looking at the student IT workers and materiality-->"future talk"; participation in the context of the Internet w/ Kelty:; 7 dimensions of participation

Stephanie Sherman (Art, UCSD) public space curation; "Elsewhere" in Greensboro, NC. ongoing "remaking"; emergence of the project as a local project that has helped build a downtown and to connect global visiting artists with everyday objects; Berlin project to instigate the site and think about politics and poetics of broken leisure culture;; digital publications for these projects; Time Machine flips surveillance to highlight playful use of tech for stories across time and space; favorite:

Colin (UCI): mediation of the Middle East in the wake of the Arab Spring; graffiti artist in Yemen: Murad Subay: 12 Hour Project-->the new way of protesting drones; what it means when this community-oriented project is disseminated to Western audiences; murals become an interface; Web comics confronting

(UCI) forensic imaginaries in India; rape videos as expression of caste and class power how they function as evidence; contemporary forms of brainwashing-->preventive forensics, "narcoanalysis" and "brain fingerprinting" sanctioned by Indian courts and linking back to colonial propaganda films and human agency. favorite website:

Jane Mi (UCLA) : "Silence" video of animals dragged on a conveyor belt by hanging steel hooks. Really long and disturbing. I have no patience for that kind of shit. Second video: top half is feet and bottom half is ants. Interested in global identity and global art stars; Taryn Simon art exhibit:; Trevor Paglin:

John Brumley MFA UCLA: iterative representations of media through the Internet, iterative; MIDI music and mobile phone music: allows videochatting in a different context

Stephani Byrd (MFA UCSD) temporary interactive art; digital traffic message board, hidden performers; bringing online behaviors to public: trolling behavior; live interactive storefront installation-->empathy training catcalling

Tara Zepel (Art History, UCSD) Situated Visualization dissertation; specialty: data visualization-->new media analysis of data visualizations; writing a case study on the racial dot map: 2010 Census Block Data behavior of using this-->looking at places with which one is familiar; works with Lev Manovich in teh software studies lab; U.S. Gun Deaths many of the visualizations are responses to current events; Hans Rosseling?; Manovich's current project to look at demographics of people taking selfies, their poses, and expressions; dataset is up online (I could use this for Johanna's class) tktk calls this "infinitely fractal"; there is a theory section, as well

Steve Malcic (UCSB) Jennifer Holt, Lisa Parks; Leah is on his committee-->historical development of infrastructure is part of the intellectual critical theory post-1968; media archaeology of the domain name system and issues of internet governance; least favorite site: https:/ cloud-based way to own content-->media industries project at UCSB-->"Connected Viewing"

Me: economics of information and the perpetuation of power dynamics; social media skepticism;



Rise of the conservative Internet critique; emphasis on the big changes now that the Internet has gone mainstream and the global financial crisis

peer-to-peer economies in Africa

University of Applied Science

"Creative Industries"
2005-6 focused on history and disappearance of Web design
now, app economy framework
disappearance of the aesthetics agenda in design education becoming a big concern; new media artists demand concerns due to the deaesthetization; an army of managers turns designers into processors
2006- Video Vortex about the politics and aesthetics of online video
more INC projects include databodies, society of the query (more recent)
search as a subliminal activity, correlates to power; the more Google is in the background, the less they run the danger that something they do is publicly questioned
Wikipedia Research Initiative
use increasing, but production is dwindling; strong possibilities to integrate it in education; don't know how to continue this project
Money Lab-->coining alternatives with Institute of Money at UCI
Crowdfunding platforms project
A lot of activity in London: developers, artists, creators
Digital publishing project (2011-) "epub drama"
next conference November 2014
proliferation of platforms
MT: NPR report on strategy for competition for phone line Internet delivery and how it failed
Web reading-->more dominant platforms ; in Asia and Europe, more platforms, not monopolistic, which is a nightmare scenario because there is no protocol like with Adobe Creative Suite
Digital Publishing Toolkit
questions whether writers of the future will use software like Word, etc. Inevitably, authors will have to switch to some sort of markup language.
MT: contemporary Charles Dickens serials are blogs? Does Adobe have?
"This is the Napster moment of publishing." Will also occur in other media like television, etc.
Institute of Networks Series from Netherlands Architecture Institute-->they paid $25k per title to the publisher!
INC Reader Series-->giving them away for free is cheaper than selling them
INC Theory on Demand Series (digital-only series)

Jaron Lanier: You Are Not a Gadget
"Digital Maoism" complained about collective intelligence; he says dissident voices get stamped out and the level of intelligence sinks
where the early Web culture was seen as something inherently different from mainstream media bc it was created by unique individuals and groups (virtual communities); survival of the individual is too reductionist bc there is a lot of collective creation; social media is a very corporate follow up of those earlier virtual communities
his next book, Who Owns the Future, is confusing; should have waited to become a bitcoin ideologist; the book is too corporate; his solution is a form of micropayment system but he's not specific about how that will operate; catered to Silicon Valley audience; will be difficult to get Silicon Valley to make that long-term shift
MT: this may be an opportunity to apply temporal perspective work

Nicholas Carr: The ShallowsThe Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to our Brains; Why IT Matters-->productivity paradox, crisis in teh employment of IT systems; Google and memory; new book is on robots
effects of ttktktk on the elites
neuroscience and critique of the Internet

Lovink: a symptom of a raised insecurity among the elites and where to take this; there is a consensus that the digital is for the masses, and the elites will sort it out for ourselves
Roberto Casati: on digital devices in primary and secondary education
Raffaele Simone: the same message, looking at the deep transformations of education

Jonathan Franzen: what's wrong with the modern world Karl Kraus

Dave Eggers "The Circle"

the academic questions of the internet and internet architecture and everyday life are now intertwined bc they can't be distinguished
like Manovich's Selfie project
he finds it interesting that artists, critics, academics, do engage with popular culture
MT: $$
similar to 1984, but different ending
based on the idea of confession and a source of income for the powers that be

Andrew Keen: The Cult of the Amateur @ajkeen

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Morozov's Net Delusion & To Save Everything Click Here
"the folly of technological solutionism"< --Lovink says solutionism is a very useful term

Turkle: Alone Together why did she write this book? seems like a departure from earlier work; wrote it because she was disenchanted with the gender politics at MIT
Computer as Rohrschack
projective devices
mid-career in a celebratory mode, identity play, suddenly she had an audience in a way she hadn't had before

Peter Sloterdijk: You Must Change Your Life
only way to master is to exercise on a daily basis our strength for self-regulation; argument based on the idea that there is no solution-->one extreme or the other
refers to classical Greek sense of self as "the only way to deal with it"

Bernard Stiegler: Taking Care of Youth and the Generations
the debate form the 1920s over distraction; in early literature is seen as sthg inherently positive
MT: do you think that has to do with the fact that it was prior to the knowledge worker paradigm?

Now writing about the rise of network populism and other aspects of the national state of anxiety in France, etc.

Astra Taylor: The People's Platform
NY critic from the Occupy movement (she directed Zizek! and Examined Life)
what's at stake in the Internet debate for her cohort (mid-30s)

Activist strategies
Radical transparency
Some think the role of the whistleblower will grow in the future bc there is more data and more people who have insight into the workings of the powers that be that didn't exist before; of course, one must gain access, it's not given.
WikiLeaks phenomena is at the edge of tactical media and media activism
varied focuses: gender, class, race; content; access
relatively new bc it's an expression of how technological investigative journalism has become-->WikiLeaks as a problem as how to take action with it-->access and interpretation of this data
Assange-->classic hacker, interested in military history and surveillance; conspiratorial nature associated with the birth of the Internet; no surprise that hackers are looking for the presence of the military-industrial complex hiding out there
WikiLeaks Archive Page
July 2010: Bradley Manning Collateral Murder
video was presented to National Press Club in DC in April 2010

Three waves or war logs-->but what can you do with the data if you're not a military historian?
Third wave: Secret U.S. Embassy Cables (250k of them)
IP fights; rumors; politician activities

The first thing people did was to build mirrors --> classical tactic; offline copying also useful
MT: reflects the sense that the possession of having the information is threatened

Next phase, people started building search engines
Dedicated search engines (Cable Drum)
Lovink et al built a dedicated search engine just for the Dutch cables
decades of cables; they did look at dyads, etc.

MT: would be interesting to look at a path analysis

net critique: Ten Theses on WikiLeaks (and now 12)

Transparency became a goal in itself: "Information wants to be free"
When redaction issues arose, the whole thing fell apart
If WikiLeaks had been a publication, with decentralized, thematic working groups, it might have been "clear"--not sure what he means by this

Stockholm condom incident and alleged rape charges
Since then, the whole operation has been on hold; collaborator left

new websites sprung up
WL Central-->maintained by supporters
"very difficult, conspiratorial, extremely paranoid group of people, always afraid to be arrested by secret services" he doubts the veracity of this
he says this has hampered the success of the operation
Google CEO Eric Schmidt from 2008 YouTube "decline investigative journalism"

should the discourse on journalism be conducted in a different frame? Who is going to work on all these data? If there is no natural constituency who do something with is...

Zepel: "there's an idea that data can replace investigative reporting, that's where visualization can go horribly wrong or horribly right."
Her dissertation on digital journalism
tendency to exploit what the technology can do. eventually, people then take a step back and realize that interpretation is necessary
there is something to be said for pure exposure, even without the literacy to interpret it

price of a gigabyte
1981: $300k
1990: $10k
1994: $1000

accorded superhero status
the next question is who and how will structures be built to make collective sense of the data?

bc the cc/paypal blockade, Assange auctioned WikiLeaks memorabilia and the rights to his biography for $600k

failed to prevent the publisher from printing the unfinished manuscript

Unauthorized Autobiography
ghostwriter-->new book about the experience of being Assange's ghostwriter
then The Fifth Estate

Assange hacked the director's site
then the WikiLeaks own documentary: Mediastan
distributed the cables to those who were mention-->physical delivery of documents
MT: interesting to provide paper
OpenLeaks blog
a lot of the WikiLeaks debate is focusing on the issue of safe and anonymous submission to a website; does that exist?
MT: what this did was call attention to

Benkler argues against prosecution of WikiLeaks detailing government and news media "overreaction" (2011)

Revealed: The India Cables
WikiLeaks rocks Zimbabwe's political landscape
U.S. ambassador to Mexico resigns over WikiLeaks embassy cables: Carlos Pascual
BBC series: WikiLeaks: The secret Life of a Superpower looks at the effects of the leaks

Second type of impact: people who start doing similar things
The Palestine Papers
Porn WikiLeaks: The Dark Side of Radical Transparency
GuttenPlag Wiki-->other models of collaborative work online; people together work on a pile of big data; Germany's Minister of Defense plagiarized dissertation
MT: would be interesting to look at volunteer crowdsourcing versus paid crowdsourcing

WikiLeaks could have functioned this way-->self-organizing
too restrictive policy right now evaluating the Snowden documents

Afghanistan Papers of German newspaper WAZ
Major leak exposes Chinese duplicity

News of the World Murdoch Leaks

Andy Greenberg: This Machine Kills Secrets

"Anonymous is the critique of the celebrity tktk of Julian Assange"
we are hackers, not just passive receivers of whistleblowers information

the main case, Operation Payback, is what many of the Anonymous hackers were convicted of--on banks and payment systems
July 2011

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other sites:

Tor Browser compromised
WikiLeaks publishes Stratfor emails after "Anonymous hack"
5.5M emails

WikiLeaks received this data and created the Global Intelligence Files
Syria Files July 2012

in two years can you still access that data?
there's no infrastructure to process this information

GlobaLeaks-->is now more or less the one group of dedicated developers that is now the furthest in the development of the concept

PubLeaks-->now you can choose to whom you leak information
MT: just like data management plans for long-term maintenance, storage, access, reuse

LulzSec Sabu Former #LulzSec

Anonymous withdraws support from WikiLeaks

whistleblowing press and corporate tools

Snowden June 2013
Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg very interesting
Lovink can't say yet what the fallout will be
there is so much more to come bc no documents have been released regarding corporate espionage
so far only about the large surveillance systems of United States
Snowden is an example of how this maps onto personal anxiety MT: bc of the PRISM
he marketed himself
Terms and Conditions May Apply
Google and the Global Brain

Lovink and a colleague in Toronto have developed an offline version of ARC; next version will have a full-text search

Lovink's social media research
Snowden case interesting for its evidentiary value, not new insights
in the film we watched PRISM wasn't identified yet, but the program was referred to

Unlike Us network (2011)
since Snowden, thinking on this has come to a halt
what methodologies and concepts should be used to address this issue
collected data can and will be used against you-->no longer just a theoretical given
reinstates a culture of paranoia, which at least until recently hasn't been associated with social media; a change of mood; has anyone changed how they use social media?
is it a false consciousness? Zizek you know it's evil but you still do it
Rod"we keep waiting for people to be outraged, when in fact they're bored"
the kinds of content people are posting may have changed
MT: does this change the terminology? the format has certainly-->harder to search video than text

Marshall the politricks of platforms
the copyright algorithms instantly flag content, sometimes inappropriately
economic politics happening -- the average person doesn't benefit from this technology
Keen's perspective-->social media as a tool to position yourself in a changing environment
neoliberal conditions under which we all need to work without permanent contracts
an economic necessity to maximize one's social media presence

Unlike Us Reader has theory and address the question of what it means when social life is seen through the lens of social media

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Cold Intimacies: The Making of Emotional Capitalism Eva Illouz

conference on social media algorithms at UCDavis

From Joyous to Dark Deleuze
Screen Shot 2014-04-10 at 4.17.49 PM

Inevitable dismantling of the cloud in order to create decentralized Internet
rerouting global internet traffic

2014: Designing FEDERATED (D)

Lovink: social networks can be restored as small networks
Organized networks: distributed architectures,