Information Use and Everyday Information Seeking

In Uncategorized

What is everyday life information seeking (ELIS)? How is it like other forms of information use? How do researchers investigate ELIS? What is information use?

GLOSSARY TERMS: ethnography, intersubjectivity, social informatics,
thick description, grounded theory

READ: Byström (2000) [New Review] Carey et al. (2001) [online] Cool (2001)
Dervin (1999) [online] Huotari and Chatman (2001) [online] Savolainen (1995) [online] Savolainen (2000) [New Review] Solomon (2002)
Spink & Cole (2001) [online]

AS: Bishop (1999) [online] Spivey & King (1994)
Wang & White (1999)