Association of College and Research Libraries YouTube Channel
Dispatches from the Higher Ed #covidclassroom: Teaching and Learning Edition (blog post), Danielle Cooper [Ithaka S + R]
Duke Kunshan University: A Case Study of Implementing Online Learning in Two Weeks, Kevin Guthrie, Catharine Bond Hill, Martin Kurzweil, and Cindy Le [Ithaka S + R]
Getting Online: Lessons from Liberal Arts Colleges (blog post), Jenna Joo and Daniel Rossman [Ithaka S + R]
Lessons learned from going online in two weeks (webinar about Duke Kunshan) [Ithaka S + R]
(Un)attending the #ELI2020Unconference (blog post), Melissa Blankstein [Ithaka S + R]
Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe (University of Illinois at Urbana-Campaign) and Christine Wolff-Eisenberg (Ithaka S+R) are gathering information on academic libraries in the United States and the response to COVID19. Libraries are encouraged to fill out this form and contribute to the collective understanding of how libraries are responding to the situation of this pandemic. Libraries can update their responses as policies and practices change.
- Live results of all libraries as surveys are submitted:
- Live dashboard of all libraries that have closed and their strategies:
- Map of closures by Cal Murgu:
Additional resources
Bringing Your Course Online, Resources compiled by the Modern Language Association
COVID-19: Special Offers, News, and Updates From Library Vendors, Publishers, Online Services, and Others, Gary Price, InfoDocket
Duke Kunshan website (links to communications and a variety of resources made available to the DKU community)
JoVE is offering free educational video content
New York University Shanghai digital teaching toolkit & case studies
ProQuest Ebook Central is converting all licenses–including single-user and three-user models–to unlimited access through mid-June for titles from over 50 publishers
Remote teaching resources for business continuity (Google sheet described in the Duke Kunshan webinar). To contribute resources to this sheet, use this form