Study Session 2

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Experimental Design

Recruit on FB → filters
Web interface with combined survey and stimulus
Test group and control group
Determine level of awareness of personal data disclosure with Likert scale


  1. Is this exploratory, explanatory, or
    Case study cannot be an explanatory research method

descriptive, evaluative, or explanatory?

must match your method to your

exploratory→no well-established theory; don’t know what the factors are
descriptive→specific context

for any given question, the object of what you’re studying

data being gathered
how will you process that data?

In order to look at the atittudes of students in the classroom toward tktk because this is new, using quant/qual method to gather data based on tktk, the data is mostly qual/quant data so will use this data analysis

Case Study
description of when it’s appropriate
“wiggle room” within case study
different ideas of what is a case
single or multiple cases
multiple methods
critics of case study say unsystematic, not generalizable
cases of case study in Information Studies
this is a general discussion of the method, not specific to the question

Lucy Suchman’s plans in situated tktk
Yin has four things of a case study design: logic linking the data to the tktk
data analysis
interview transcripts analysis of the software
revision control
find: UTexas describe 4-5 methods often used in Information Studies

challenge for the case study is to identify what abt the doc, intvws, tells you about what you’re looking at

have to ID your research question
quals question will be broad
have to come up with a strategic scope

more and more software custom tailored to a specific need. how do we evaluate/understand
seth narrowed down to scholarly software
need to define what a “successful” software is
every term needs to be defined

uses of SM in response to disaster
tailoring the research question to “that sweet spot”
without properpolicy, SM won’t be effective
preparedness→specifically looking at official policy that can be located in this specific set of official documents
as expressed through documetns related to how those stated policy goals translated to action in use of SM

seth could look at meeting minutes looking for patterns
these are the five categories that I’m going to code meeting minutes
while one hopes that these categories for coding will naturally emerge, considering theprevious studies I can anticipate certain categories, like user-oriented discussions, design-oriented, marketing, financially motivated discussions
sets the stage for data analysis
discourse analysis is often used in case study design

MT: Twitter data to discourse analysis? path analysis?

cover your tracks during the limitations discussion
sets stage for future research

for each general part, define a specific thing you can measure to narrow your scope

history of how used in IS
Case→lists of methods
want to improve fitness

rephrase the question
ID components you have to address
narrow it down

quasi-exp with survey

ipad versus kindle

create outline for the survey method

literature review for both papers
soc sci lit reviews are the most painful things to read
in humanities, lit review is the analysis
visit, and revisit those ppl’s work

line up all the stuff to talk about
relevant to the topic itself
relevant to proving the method

lit rev relevant to the topic
dozen sources in different categories
based on type of argument they’re making, what layer of the phenom they’ve looked at
ultimately, structure has to anticipate your theoretical suppositions; depends on writing style
end the lit rev with something you disagree with or that is lacking

for methods question: divide by field tk scholars have looked at it from these perspectives; similarly/slightly diff from/contrary to tk scholars have looked at these elements; make sure you have lit from IS
if there isn’t a lot, say it

for each mention of a lit: do this fast
give it a context from which it comes (discipline, era, motivation)
description of what they looked at
vaguely what their conclusion is

from tk research, tktk and tktk (2009) interviewed parents of students in tktktk. Through a comprehensive data analysis, they found tktk.
3-4 literature examples per paragraph, 3-4 paragraphs
he latches onto one work with which he’s familiar and generates questions
this one framework does x and I would like to include from this different perspective of one work
chunk out what’s been done, one thing that’s very relevant, add your own thing to it
tension between two lines of research is where you find sthg most productive, so that’s why I’m doing this
for the methods paper, take a very mechanical approach
“what I want to build on because tktk’s work has been foundational”
limitations of their studies is a good place to pull from
save the one work for the end of the lit rev as a transition

another strategy is to define everything based on the lit
transitioning from the lit rev to the res design
definitions, operationalization, most crucially use it to identify the motivation for your study

MT: remember that you shouldn’t introduce anything new after the lit rev

as a result of the lit rev, these questions arise

2-3 intro
when you restate the question, can use a scenario
what research has been done at that spot
2-3 pages for lit rev
be really clear abt your RQ, what yo’ure looking at, have sentence that literally draw cxn between concept and your chosen design
because I’m looking at attitudes, this study needs to estab what attitudes are in this context
pull from this authoritative text on categories of attitudes/feelings
tk provides us with these categories
how to translate to the design: relying on this list to construct survey questions
MT: use the survey questions already validated
address validity, reliability, etc.

outline both questions first for the first morning
outline every detail so you have the master plan
then do a second outline for each bullet point in outline translates to one or two sentences
scenario-2-3 sentences
end with critical question
bring up relation to the qual question
mention x, y, z
sentence leading to lit rev (transition)

locate information for in the blanks at the end of the day
and then enter it the next morning

for theory paper, ID two fields most comfortable discussing
be able to summarize whole arguments of 3-4 books in that area; major works
social aspects of new media (Jenkins)
break down major works by their orientation

social, political, economic, etc
bring the question to myself

very broad outline for the field I’m working in
break that into 2-3 orientations

where are you drawing from? what impacted you the most?
2-3 fields, summarize 2-3 books

I can write abt Eglash’s fractals and ISB where Wilson recently said he believes ISB is fractal

be done by tues night for methods question

then turn to theory question, work on the outline a litt, wed be up and running for the theory question

limits of method, and limits of specific research design
general in advance and specific only outline

how a specific method has been used in the field

history of the method use in IS

just as revealing, is the stuff that I want

outline should contain arguments
in this case, outline should contain procedure for sentences

generate new questions from the lit you’re familiar with
specifiy in the broad marketplace of ideas, how IS contributes to the broad understanding
